Navigating the SS Journal

SS Journal is laid out first entry to last.. thus, if you wish to read the LAST entry of the Sororitas in Veritas et Aequitas, it will be at the end! Due to the layout of blogs, the listing is forced there by means of forced dating, starting with the first post 12/31. Go to where you want faster with the Journal Archive List located in the right margin; the LAST JOURNAL ENTRY will be at the top of the list.                             ENJOY!  ~LL                           


LadyHawke Secret Society Organization Meeting

Sent by special messenger today to a select group of women

YOU are cordially invite
to the
organization meeting of the
Ladyhawke Secret Society
Admittance is by invitation only
Secrecy oath will be required.
Location and hour will be relayed to you by 2nd messenger.

LadyHawke Secret Society, First Meeting outline

Notes/ Format for the first meeting:

Attendance List:
              • Leigh Ladyhawke, Dressmaker
              • Lady Kay, Dressmaker
              • Dame Frances, Needlewoman
              • Kate, Private Detective
              • Alexia, Photographer
              • Scarlett, Dancer
              • Clara, Writer


Mission: Advancement of women & Elimination of Tyrannical & Subjugating Employers.

First target suggestions:


LadyHawke Secret Society- First Meeting Notes.

I am encouraged! The first meeting was phenomenal and productive! The initial membership are women who have skills and contacts that will compliment each other!

We discussed the mission of the society (the Advancement of Women & Elimination of Tyrannical & Subjugating Employers), and unanimously agreed that the First Action of the Secret Society should be to SHOW ACTION! This will be the best strategic move- do something that creates a buzz, which will aid in the next Action- Fundraising!

The Scarlett Intervention: Step 1- Infiltrate

The Society decided to have a secondary meeting about 'The Scarlett Intervention' to further develop the plan.  The challenge is to publicly reprimand Mr. Henderson and the patron (drawing attention to the power of the Secret Society- (note: we must name the society before starting any action so as to “brand” activities!)), while not risking Scarlett’s job; the theatre she works for is part of the Empire wheel which tours the Western U.S. for forty weeks- very steady work for a performer.  So we decided that Scarlett would not be directly involved in the 'snare'.

First, we considered what we currently have to work with: we have among the members: costumers, a socialite, a detective, a photographer, and a writer.

  1. ALEXIA: Photographer- document the action in process. She has just acquired a revolutionary, small, watch spy camera- it takes up to 6 images.
  2. KATE: Detective- infiltrate and set up the snare!
  3. CLARA: Writer- report the despicable act  

Naming the Secret Society

We have agreed on the mission of the society. Now we need a name and symbol to represent us.

Let's start with some KEY WORDS that represent the society's goal and actions:
Sisterhood, sorority, benevolent, annihilate, charitable, exterminate, merciless, eradicate, advancement, succeed, betterment, philanthrophy, altruism, noble, illustrious...